Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Kind God

School has begun! And it's going to be one heck of a marathon-like semester. Since I'm living at home, I've squeezed all my time on campus into just a few days per week. This makes for easier gas bills, but also very long days.

Yesterday evening, sitting in Philosophy (my fifth class of the day), I didn't know if I could do it! Philosophy is naturally a difficult subject for me... I'm not one who cares to debate the simpler, tedious arguments in life like, "what is reality? Am I actually existing?". Ha, some scholars would like to kill me for calling those questions simple! But with all that said, I was less than eager about these long days that end with a rigorous challenge.

I really contemplated dropping the class. No! I MUST graduate on time, which means sticking to a high-unit per semester ratio.

Amidst this mental battle, the Lord reminded me of his kindness. Feeling the financial burden of book-buying, our professor offered to loan out a very expensive book to people in financially hard places. "Hey, that's me!", I thought. There ain't nothing like saving $100. On my way back from the blessed occurrence of being gifted this book for the semester, I happened upon an art show at the gallery on campus. That could only mean one thing: free food. Being naturally starved after my long, ill-prepared-for day, I feasted my eyes (and my mouth) upon the yummies before me. To be fair, the art was also refreshing and beautiful. While eating, I called my best friend back, for we are in an endless game of phone tag. And what an encouraging conversation we had. At that point, I was feeling more confident in my ability to do this semester with the help of my kind God.

Oh, so kind.

1 comment:

jmalvarez said...

Dang, that picture rocks!..Where'd you find that? Hey, you rock too! Love you!