Saturday, September 10, 2011

Close ups

I very much wanted to get the apartment all clean, do a full photo session, and present the home to my HandH this weekend... but that did not happen by Friday afternoon when I had to leave for a weekend retreat. SO, before I left, I snapped a few close ups of some of my favorite things around the apartment. Maybe next week you all will get the grand tour. First picture: Yellow, red, and green on the kitchen table. This sets up the colors and vintagey feel of la cocina.
Our sink has a leak... I don't like this. But it does give our kitchen personality and we've discovered a way to turn the sink off ever so gently to stop the dripping for a bit.
Sugar in the raw! Yeah, baby.
My shelf in the pantry. It always makes me happy to go grocery shopping and fill this little space to the brim. Thank you, Lord!
Little owls... hangin' out in surprise places.
The turtles. It's fascinating and comforting to have live beings around when I'm all alone. Weird?...
Our little pins in all the cool places. Notice the teensie white pins in Kenya and Turkey...mine, mine!!

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