Friday, January 15, 2010

Honing Your Hobbies

I am an advocate of helping people discover their hobbies. A good way to recognize a hobby is by thinking about what you would do on a day off. Hobbies help to de-stress and they provide a productive way to spend your free time... and even when free time is not prevalent, finding a reasonable amount of time to break and enjoy hobbies is so helpful. Some of my hobbies include, but are not limited to:
-art journaling
-making greeting cards and bookmarks
-being outdoors
-watching good movies
-learning how to play new games
-singing and dancing... everywhere (ok, kind of)
-cooking and baking
-visiting farmer's markets (this is a hobby I'm currently trying to develop!)
Realizing what is enjoyable to you is a great way to connect with your Creator. The Lord not only gives us things to enjoy, but he also enjoys watching our enjoyment! To be purposeful with your down time... even if what you enjoy most is napping or watching TV, can be a way to glorify God. I'm not saying that life should consist only of rest and hobbies... not even in retirement, but a balanced life is a healthy and harmonized life; One that has time set aside for rest, hobbies, and pleasure.
What are you enjoying today?

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